Enjoying view of Tremonton and Cache Valley.
Brigham City and Tremonton. You can see Willard Bay
and Great Salt Lake.
Adventure Day~ Place Wellsvilles~ Peeps; Emily, Janet, Brynne and Me.
What a hike! Awesome day..... Where Janet and EM are sitting having a break in top photo is where you can see Cache Valley and turn and see Brigham City the other way. On this hike you can make it from Mendon to Sherwood Hills in Sardine canyon. About 5.20 miles in we had to turn back because I needed to go to JT's Xcountry race. I would really like to finish this hike.
Round trip the hike took 5 hours and came to almost 10.5 miles. Even as I write this today my quads are letting me know how steep the climbs and descents were!
Thanks to the Adventure Day Crew!