Tues. morning Heidie and I started out about 6:20 to start climbing Strawberry Canyon. It was cold even with a long sleeve jersey. It definitely was not a fast climb. There is not much of a shoulder on the road the whole way. It is a very curvy road, so cars are a concern. Some lessons learned on this ride--
1. Watch for road kill. (mostly fox, a few skunks and raccoons.)
2. Wear warmer clothes- especially feet. We kept out jackets on the whole climb!
3. Bring more food.
4. Ride this canyon a lot more.
We climbed for over an hour, 15.4 miles, due to mommy time constraints we turned back. The descent was nice but still really cold. We braked a lot because of the cold and also worried that we might meet a deer at 40 mph. We rode again this morning, trying to use it as a recovery ride and also to help add up the miles. On Fri. morning I think that we will head out to Clarkston and ride the race course out there.
Heidie and Kara's product review. On the Tues.morning ride we tried the cherry flavored sports beans and we also tried the orange. We think that you should skip the cherry and stick with the orange.
A different thread
1 week ago
Thanks for the review - I'm guessing in September, going over strawberry may even call for cold weather gear?
Stick to orange and watermelon (if you want the caffeine) sportbeans.
It may, but maybe the sun will have warmed it up before you arrive there. On the descent you may want to have something handy to put on.
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